The Story of the Horse Bridle

Horse bridles are different for every discipline. Deciding which horse tack bridles to buy will depend on what type of riding your do, as well as how your horse has been trained. There are also differences in a horse mouth, and some horses require a firmer bit, while others simply need a simple snaffle. Often finding the horse bridles you need will be easier than finding the right bit.A bit is the mouthpiece on the bridle that fits on the “bars” in the horse’s mouth. This is a space that is found in front of the horse’s back molars, and the fit of the bit will mean that your horse is comfortable and willing to work.There are an endless range of bits, but the two primary types of bits are snaffles and curbs. Snaffle bits are used as “direct pressure,” while curb bits are used for leverage. Depending on what you are requiring from your horse will determine what type of bit to purchase.Snaffle bits are the most common type of bit found in English horse bridles, particularly hunt seat and dressage. These horse tack bridles use snaffle bits to apply direct pressure to the tongue and lip. There may be a “joint” in the center of the mouthpiece, which acts as nutcracker effect inside the mouth to direct the horse. There are a wide range of snaffle bits, including D ring, twisted wire bits, and O rings.Curb bits work with leverage, which puts pressure on the poll, and is considered a more severe bit. These are found more frequently in Western horse bridles, but there are no hard and fast rules. Leverage curb bits will provide more control depending on the length of the shank, as well as the type of curb. There are some bits that are solid, while others have a jointed center.Riders are not confined to a snaffle or curb bits. With so many choices, there are hybrid horse tack bridles that work with many horses, such as the kimberwick bit, or even double horse bridles, which incorporate two bits Horse Tack – Top 3 Tips You Need Before You Shop simultaneously using four reins instead of two.Shopping for the right horse tack bridles for your individual horse may be a process in stead of one stop shopping. Consult with other riders or trainers to find out what may work best with your horse, make sure you have a good fit, and listen to your horse.Beginning riders may want a milder bit until they learn how to have a good seat, while an advanced rider can still be effective with a more severe bit and a light hand.Your horse bridles are literally your steering wheel with your horse, and you want to make sure that you are in control. At the same time, you want your horse to be comfortable so you can get willing results. Taking your time and being willing to try different bits on your horse will help you get the maximum performance from your horse.

— Fred Williams